With over 20 years of marketing research experience, Lisa started at Leger in 2003 and is a highly respected professional. As a senior vice-president at Leger, Lisa manages the Communications and Public Affairs practice and is a senior member of the Toronto office. Her clients include government, most of the top PR agencies in Canada, and communications practitioners at several corporations, food associations and pharmaceutical companies.
She focuses her practice on public affairs and research for media attention across numerous industries. She also conducts research with associations, not-for-profits, government, retail, and financial institutions. She is well-versed in both quantitative and qualitative research methods. With over 300 studies completed each year, Lisa’s team regularly assesses reputation, advertisements, public opinion, attitudes, behaviour, and key satisfaction metrics across various industries.
Lisa is an active member of the CPRS as a national board director. Lisa is also a spokesperson for Leger and is happy to speak on a variety of topics